Arenas for Achieving : PH'1Q

The focus in this section is on the Architecture, psychosocial pressures, and determining names, not on specific frameworks enabling practical use of particular Arenas. So there will be minimal specifications or explanations of properties and applications.


The RL1/PH1-Action Domain is dominated by the pressure for performanceand meets the Primal Need for achievement.

Achieving is a requirement of some enterprise, large or small. The autonomy pressures, explained earlier as generators of the Achieving Arenas (PH'1Q), are mobilized by questioning and lead to the expectation of managerial learning.

In attempting to identify and name the Achieving Arenas-PH'1Q, we will use a similar approach to that used to identify the Knowing Arenas PH'2Q. We start with the 4 decision styles and roles of the lower Method to identify the Arena, and then consider whether the upper Method naturally serves as an enabling and controlling context.

In all cases we are focused on a project, operation, or enterprise of some sort.

Naming the Arenas


Q1 Arena will handle achieving that is dependent on questioning using the L'1-rationalist styles of professionals, administrators, politicians and planners in order for managers to learn.

Proposed Q1 Arena Name: «Effectiveness» of the enterprise.

L'2-empiricist style approaches and outputs can both direct and check on outcomes, and that naturally serve as an enabling and controlling context.

Performance will be the primary pressure in Q1. A failure in performance will activate questioning of practices, and all higher Arena levels: administrative machinery, political adaptations, planning guidelines, given targets, ideals, and expert analysis.


Q2 Arena will handle achieving dependent on questioning using the L'2-empiricist styles of monitors, experts, investigators and evaluators in order for managers to learn.

Proposed Q2 Arena Name: «Improvement» of the enterprise.

L'3-pragmatic style approaches and outputs can ensure that collecting ever more data and doing ever more analyses will not paralyze the enterprise, so it servers naturally as an enabling and controlling context.

Certainty will be the primary pressure in Q2. Uncertainty about performance and persistence of problems will activate monitoring and all higher Arena levels: appraisals by experts, systematic investigations, retrospective evaluations, operational adjustments, pressure for cooperation, and predictions of performance.


Q3 Arena will handle achieving dependent on questioning using the L'3-pragmatic-opportunistic styles of doers, organizers, advisors and bosses in order for managers to learn.

Proposed Q3 Arena Name: «Viability» of the enterprise.

L'4-dialectic style approaches are required as a context because the reality requiring urgent engagement is inherently uncertain and any potentially appropriate response will engender disputes.

Acceptability will be the primary pressure in Q3. The enterprise here is facing a crisis, possibly existential, and yet all parties will not respond to demands and impositions if they do not find them acceptable. Lack of acceptability will activate new responses and all higher Arena levels: re-organising, confrontation, exercise of authority, adaptation, incentives and debates to reach a resolution


Q4 Arena will handle achieving dependent on questioning using the L'4 dialectic styles of mediators, negotiators, debaters and arbitrators in order for managers to learn.

Proposed Q4 Arena Name: «Compromise» for the enterprise.

L'5-systemicist style approaches ensure that viewpoints of particular protagonists or enterprise sections are fully respected while being kept subservient to the need for balanced development of the whole. This balancing act enables and controls any resolution or plan.

Well-Being will be the primary pressure in Q4. High morale is desirable in any enterprise and if it is lacking, then this will activate efforts at mediation and all higher Arena levels: negotiation, debates, arbitration, syntheses, balloting and participative events.


Q5 Arena will handle achieving dependent on questioning using the L'5-systemicist styles of modellers, analysts, participants and strategists in order for managers to learn.

Proposed Q5 Arena Name: «Leadership» for the enterprise.

L'6-structuralist style approaches ensure a disciplined allocation of duties and strict accountability. Without this enabling and controlling context, any leadership effort will quickly go awry.

Understandingwill be the primary pressure in Q5. Unless the leader understands the situation, the people and the possibilities, the enterprise will stagnate. If understanding is lacking, modelling, consulting, participative and strategic planning is impossible; and the application of strategies in practical, consensual and specialist ways will be unsatisfactory.


Q6 Arena will handle achieving dependent on questioning using the L'6-structuraliststyles of managers, coordinators, specialists and leaders in order for managers to learn.

Proposed Q6 Arena Name: «Authority» for the enterprise.

L'7-imaginist style approaches would naturally serve as an enabling and controlling context, because individuals driven by commitment and aspirations within their role and responsibilities will exercise influence most effectively.

Autonomywill be the primary pressure in Q6. The assignment and exercise of authority are powers that allow individuals to exercise their autonomy safely. Without autonomy, authority becomes a sham. Autonomy is also intrinsic to the exercise of imaginist methods..


Q7 Arena will handle achieving dependent on questioning using the L'7-imaginiststyles of facilitators, educators, counsellors and visionaries in order for managers to learn.

Proposed Q7 Arena Name: «Motivation» for the enterprise.

L'1-rationalist style approaches ensure there is a consensus on direction and priorities, which naturally serves as an enabling and controlling context for L'7-imaginist inputs like aspiration and commitment.

Selflessnesswill be the primary pressure in Q7. In all the Arena components, individuals are exhorted and expected to apply their energies to benefit the enterprise, and not to think of themselves except in terms of what they can contribute.

Secondary Psychosocial Pressures

In the PH'2Q-Knowing Arenas, a series of secondary pressures for each Arena was identified and the pattern was confirmed in PH'5Q-Associating Arenas. The primary pressures appear to relate to the form or structure of the Arena, while the secondary pressures relate to the contents or processes within the Arena

All these Q Arenas are about putting a premium on achieving when learning as part of managing.

The Q1 Arena is about Effectiveness and its primary pressure is performance as explained above.

But those involved in becoming more effective are required to alter operational practices, adjust administration, adapt politically, accept quantitative targets, use expert theories, and review processes. This would seem to generate a secondary pressure for understanding, without which it would be hard for anything to happen.

The Q2 Arena is about Improvement and its primary pressure is certainty as explained above.

But those who are developing improvement are required to accept targeted monitoring, expert appraisal, systematic investigations, retrospective evaluations, altered functioning, cooperative needs and predictions. This would seem to depend on a secondary pressure for performance—with work, work arrangements and work expectations having the top priority.

The Q3 Arena is about Viability and its primary pressure is acceptability as explained above.

But those who instigate urgent changes to protect viability are involved in making rapid responses, targeted re-organising, direct confrontation, wielding authority, adapting when essential, offering incentives, and resolving controversy. These activities have to be sure to work, and that means they operate under a secondary pressure for selflessness.

The Q4 Arena is about Compromise and its primary pressure is well-being as explained above.

But those seeking to develop cohesion via dialectic-holistic styles and working to mediate, negotiate, debate, arbitrate, integrate, position and consent would be likely to find all efforts are subject to participants and groups being affected by a secondary pressure for autonomy.

The Q5 Arena is about Strategy and its primary pressure is understandingas explained above.

But those using holistic-structuralist styles to develop a strategy would likely experience a secondary pressure for certaintyfrom others who must sanction and implement the strategy. All base components modelling, analysis, participant involvment, and strategic planning attempt to depict the current situation and its evolution accurately; and the application of strategies in managerial, consensual and specialist ways builds on that certainty.

The Q6 Arena is about Authority and its primary pressure is autonomyas explained above.

But using structuralist-imaginist styles to ensure influence assumes impartiality, fairness and that people enjoy their work. All managerial , coordinative, discipline-based and leadership efforts, as well as facilitation, training and mentoring seek to create a positive experience. So there is a secondary pressure for well-being.

The Q7 Arena is about Motivation and its primary pressure is selflessnessas explained above.

Those developing motivation via imaginist-rationalist styles ask people to look into themselves. The Arena includes reflection, education, counselling, aspirations, vocation, collegiality, environmental adaptation and would likely operate under a secondary pressure for acceptability because this fosters personal motivation.

Comparing patterns of pressures to this point, the findings are identical to those developed for the Arenas of knowing PH'2Q and associating PH'5Q.

Originally posted:  24-Sep-2022. Last updated: 12-Mar-2023.